How does a web designer take into account the needs of the general web browser as well as these limited resolution, limited bandwidth customers? Come to the April Meetup and find out.
Special Guest: Tyson Weihs, one of the creators of, will be joining us to demostrate the design process of a real, live phone based web site!
The Bribe: cold hard cash. Play to win in our activity.
I want to try a new venue, so it is the Davenport Lounge. It is at Shepherd and Richmond. Hey, free wifi, a bar, and Mid-Century Modern decor. There you have it.
The Houston Web Design Meetup is comprised of all levels of experience in creating, editing and maintaining web sites. Through our interactive, engaging and generally kick butt meetings we explore ideas, discover new concepts and try out poor humor.
Official Website:
Added by eshafer on April 3, 2007