1396 Eldridge Parkway
Houston, Texas 77077

Our Friday area parties are always special! What makes this one even more special? It’s almost the holidays! Houston Single Source wants to make it easy for you to find that special someone to spend the holidays with. Join us at Rattan Pan – Asian Bistro, 1396 Eldridge Parkway, where you will meet plenty of West Houston Singles. Think of Houston Single Source as your very own “Dating Concierge” --- we’ll do all in our power to accommodate you in meeting that special person – from introductions to follow-up – you just have to ask! Light appetizers will be served and there will be drink specials! Let’s welcome in the Holiday Season together!

Rattan Pan – Asian Bistro, 1396 Eldridge Parkway Houston, TX 77077

6:00 – 8:00PM

This event is free for HSS members and $10 for non-members.

For more information or to RSVP, please visit http://www.HoustonSingleSource.com, email RSVP@HoustonSingleSource.com or call 713-630-0546

Official Website: http://www.houstonsinglesource.com

Added by eventscafe on October 29, 2008

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