Wingman (wĭng'mən) Noun - A Wingman is a guy (or girl) you bring with you on outings (such as parties) that assists in landing (not the plane) but the women or men you wish to get to know better. A wingman’s got your back – just like Houston Single Source!
Join Houston Single Source for our 3rd Annual Wingman(Woman) Party! This year we’re at America’s, in the Galleria area on Post Oak. We’ll be upstairs in a private area, complete with balcony. So, bring your own Wingman(Woman) to help you meet people you dig or let Houston Single Source take you under our wing by letting you borrow one of ours; we'll have plenty of Wingmen to go around!
Wing it with hundreds of Houston area singles for tasty appetizers, wine specials, and plenty of fun & wingmen! Plus, you might just win one of our “winged Prizes”.
• Mix, mingle and meet new people
• Great ice breaker games
• There will be plenty of Wingmen or Wingwomen
• This event is FREE for Houston Single Source Members
• $15 for non-members at the door, cash, credit or check
• Complimentary valet in addition to free parking available underneath restaurant
7:00 – 10:00PM. America’s, 1800 Post Oak Blvd, Houston, TX 77056. RSVP at or or call 713-630-0546.
Added by eventscafe22 on May 25, 2010