16500 Westheimer Pkwy
Houston, Texas 77082

Celebrate our Armed Forces and honor their sacrifices at the Houston Liberty Festival benefiting Homes For Our Troops, January 27 – 29, to raise funds to build specially-adapted homes for severely combat wounded veterans The three-day festival at George Bush Park, 16500 Westheimer Pkwy, has expanded to include live music, The Inland Empire Carnival, Viet Nam battle reenactment with helicopter, vendors, auctions, powered parachute demo, helicopter rides, moving presentations with honored Veterans, Sporting Clays Tournament, GNAT Shooting (www.gnatusa.com), a Classic and Exotic Car Exhibit, Flag Retirement Ceremony, , US Army Marksmanship Unit Exhibition Shooters, The US Honor Flag (www.ushonorflag.org), battle reenactments, rides in a Huey and a fully tracked M113 armored personnel carrier, girls on horseback, military equipment displays, impersonators, former POWs from WWII, Korea and Vietnam, War Dogs, Rolling Tributes to our Veterans, Cook Teams and more.

Every day, the men and women of our Armed Forces put their lives on the line protecting our freedom and independence. Some of those lives are lost, and some are profoundly and forever altered, suffering injuries so severe that they must rely on others for care, losing much of their independence. These severely injured veterans have a desperate need for specially adapted homes that will help restore the independence they have lost. For what they have sacrificed to protect our homes, we can, and should, build them their homes. Homes for Our Troops can "give back" freedom and independence to them through a gift of a specially adapted home.

Live Music: For the first time this year, THe Houston Liberty Festival will include a major concert stage. Full lineup TBA. . Bands and other entertainers contact: Jeanie McHugh 713.823.3665 jeaniemchugh@yahoo.com

Battle Reenactment: A heart-pounding Viet Nam battle reenactment will be staged with an enemy ambush from the tree-line and troops flown in and wounded evacuation using a vintage Huey helicopter. Reenactors from other eras will bring American and Texan history alive.

Sporting Clays Tournament: Teams in multiple flights compete at different stations with varying challenges during the Sporting Clays Tournament hosted by American Shooting Centers. This year for the first time in Texas, the shoot will include a Gnat Shoot, the wildly popular event that grew out of the UK where the target is a flying, radio-controlled model aircraft, constructed of Kevlar and titanium and fitted with pyrotechnic charges that explode to show a hit. More about Gnat shooting at: www.gnatusa.com.

Car Show: Car enthusiasts will see an amazing array of vehicles, from vintage classics to the latest in sleek power and styling from Ferrari, Maserati, Jaguar, Lamborghini and more, with entries from prestigious car clubs from around the state.

Air Show: The West Houston Squadron of the world renowned Commemorative Air Force will conduct flyovers to thrill the crowd with vintage warbirds.

Powered Parachute Flights: Powered parachutes provide exciting ultra-light recreational flight. Ram-air airfoil type parachutes take off from the ground and maneuver with a small prop engine
Historic Figures: Reenactors will portray some of the most popular figures in our proud military history such as General Patton, mingling with patrons and providing historic education for children.

Helicopter Rides and Military Display: Patrons can survey the entire event from helicopter rides in a vintage Huey, and WWII and Korean War era military vehicles, camps and gear will be on display.

Carnival: A major travelling carnival, with generations of history, and a staple of family-friendly festivals and events will entertain children of all ages with rides and midway games.

Honor Ceremonies: Honored P.O.W.s, severely combat wounded and other veterans will speak on the needs of returning disabled veterans and the difference The Houston Liberty Festival and Homes For Our Troops makes for them, entering the event grounds in an honor convoy by the Rolling Thunder motorcycle club. On Friday evening, irreparably damaged flags are retired in a moving Flag Retirement Ceremony, consigning them with proper form and honors to a bonfire.
Cook Teams: Twenty-five cook teams will offer samplings of some of the best cooking in Texas on Friday and Saturday morning until 3:00 PM.

Food Vendors: A host of Food Vendors offering a wide variety of specialty foods and festival favorites will be serving Friday and Saturday afternoon and all day Sunday.

Craft and Specialty Vendors: Everything from fine guns to gun repair and shooting supplies to crafts and art honoring our troops will be available.

Auctions: Patrons can help raise funds for Homes For Our Troops and come away with valuable items from art to valuable guns, from unique memorabilia to prestigious hunting trips.To donate contact: Jeanie McHugh 713.823.3665 jeaniemchugh@yahoo.com

Other Events: Other attractions include exhibition shooting, war dog demonstrations, historic military weapons demonstrations from the 6TH Cavalry, and much more.

Homes for Our Troops, is a national non-profit whose mission is to build specially adapted homes for service members who have been severely wounded in combat operations since September 11, 2001. All specially adapted homes are built at NO COST to the veteran. HFOT relies completely on private donations, and receives no government funding whatsoever. All monies raised allows the vets the chance to live their lives, as independently as possible, in their own homes.

2012 Veteran Recipient Bios
These American heroes had their lives forever altered twice: first by war and severe injury, and second by the relief from what would otherwise be greater isolation and hardship provided by getting their own specially built home from Homes For Our Troops. These vets will explain what a vital difference their home has made to them and their families and why it is critical to provide for their wounded comrades. Homes For Our Troops can not contract with a Vet to provide a home until funding is in place, so your contributions through this event are essential to providing for more deserving Vets. The V.A. estimates there are 1,000 to 1,500 severely injured and wounded Vets who have already been released from the hospital and are struggling to find a place. This is a low estimate and many more have yet to be released and, sadly, there will be more wounded as operations continue.

Austin Burchard
Lutz, FL
Army Sgt.
Gunshot wound while manning a post in Wardack Province, Afghanistan on March 19, 2009. He suffered severe internal and spinal injuries that left him a paraplegic.

Nicholas McCoy
Boerne, TX
Army Staff Sergeant
On his second deployment in December 2006, when an IED blast near Iskandariyah, Iraq, caused injuries so severe it resulted in the amputation of both legs.

Neil Frustaglio
Marion, TX
Marine Corporal
He was left severely burned and a double amputee after two IED explosions in Ar Ramadi, Iraq, in December 2005.

Eric Edmundson
New Bern, NC
Army Sgt.
A member of the 172nd Stryker Brigade, 4th Squadron, 14th Calvary, the Stryker vehicle he was driving hit an IED on October 2, 2005. He sustained shrapnel wounds to his abdomen and right leg, and fractures of the T4-T5 vertebrae. He went into cardiac arrest and, due to the time taken to revive Eric, he sustained an anoxic brain injury. This left him unable to walk, talk, eat or drink.

Latseen Benson
Elizabeth, CO
Army Sergeant
Was on his second deployment to Iraq in November 2005, serving with the 101st Airborne, when a roadside bomb left him a double amputee.

Brett Wolf
Weatherford, TX
Army Specialist
On September 11, 2007, he was injured when serving with the 25th Infantry in South Kirkuk, Iraq, and left a double amputee.

Daniel Robles
San Antonio, TX
Army Master Sergeant
Was on his third deployment in April, 2006, when he lost both of his legs in an IED attack near Baghdad, Iraq.

Craig Andrade
Marion, TX
Army Specialist
On his 1st deployment in February 2005 when an IED blast near Baghdad left him with the loss of both legs above the knees and a burst eardrum.

Kade Hinkhouse
Elizabeth, CO
Marine Lcpl
Was in Ramadi, Iraq, in October 2005, when his HUMVEE was hit by a dual stacked IED. He was ejected, leaving him with a depressed skull fracture, collapsed lungs and a severe lef injury. His right leg was amputated and 45% of his skull removed and later repaired by cranial plastic surgery.

Bryant Jacobs
Herriman, UT
SPC Jacobs was serving in Iraq with a month to go on his tour of duty when his HMMWV was hit by an IED on December 3, 2004.

Matthew Keil
Parker, CO
Army Staff Sergeant
On his 2nd tour of duty, the 25 year old soldier was hit by sniper fire near Ramadi, Iraq. Injuries left him a quadriplegic, though he has some use of his left arm.

Shawn Monroe
Santa Fe, TX
Staff Sergeant
Monroe was injured when mortar fire hit while he was waiting outside a Baghdad police station.He lost one leg, suffered extreme injuries to the other leg, and sustained severe internal injuries.

Joseph Smith
Thomasville, NC
Army Sergeant
Smith, a former Marine, was on his 4th deployment when he was left with a spinal injury and Traumatic Brain Injury after an attack at his FOB in Afghanistan in November 2004.

Nicholas Orchowski
Commerce City, CO
Was injured severly while outside Baghdad in 2004, which left him with a paralyzed right arm and an incomplete quadriplegic. At this time, Nick can walk.

Jose “Ivan” Perez
Marion, TX
Marine Cpl
Perez was left with multiple injuries after an IED explosion in Fallujah, Iraq, on February 27, 2007. Already suffering TBI from a previous explosion, Perez lost part of a finger on his left hand and received a spinal cord injury leaving him with Paraplegic Cauda Equina Syndrome.

Jose “Daniel” Gasca
El Paso, TX
Marine Corporal
Gasca was left a double amputee after an IED explosion in Falluja, Iraq in September 2008. Cpl Gasca was driving an up-armored HUMVEE when it was hit by a control detonated IED. He suffered from spinal fractures, broken ribs, a ruptured spleen and leg injuries so severe that both of his legs required amputation.

Chase Matthews
Eddyville, KY
Sgt. Chasetin Matthews was deployed to Iraq in March 2007 when he lost both of his legs as a result of an IED explosion. Matthews was driving an up-armored HUMVEE, when an IED detonated directly beneath the vehicle. Unable to evacuate the vehicle, he was pulled to safety by his commander and, during an ambush, was airlifted to a field hospital.

2012 POW/MIA/NOK Honored Guest Bios

POW Captain James L. Lollar
Wills Points, Tx
Air Force, Viet Nam
Area of Capture: Hoa Lo - Hanoi on 20-Dec-72
Released: 29-Mar-73

POW Col. Donald R. Spoon
San Antonio, TX
Air Force, Viet Nam
Area of Capture: North Viet Nam on 22-Jan-67
Release Date: 4-Mar-73

POW Terrence S. Kirk
Walnut Springs, TX
Represented by daughter Carolyn Noonan and widow Millie Kirk
30 year Marine
Captured second day of WWII, secretly built camera to document war crimes.

POW PFC William E Baker
Nemo, TX
Army, Korea
Area of Capture: Koto-r-North 1-Dec-50
Release Date: 5-Sept-53

POW Lt. Col. Tim Ayres
Conroe, TX
Air Force, Viet Nam
Capture Date: 3-May-72
Release Date: 28-Mar-73

POW Viet Nam Marine Corporal Patrick Reilly
Full Metal Jacket was based on his battalion "Second Battalion Fifth Marines Hotel Company Weapons Platoon". His name is in the book "Fire in the Streets". The TET Offensive claimed 1441 Marines and over 5000 clivilians. Patrick witnessed the mass murder by the communists during the TET Offensive.

MIA 1st LT. Richard Lee Russell
Represented by wife, Marianne Russell
Missing in Action: 26-April-1972

Navigator on a C130 shot down near An Loc, South Vietnam
MIA Navy LCMD Egan
Represented by Niece Linda Sanders

WWII POW-PTO Navy Seaman Vincente A Garrido
Represented by son Ben Garrido, National Director of AXPOW for South Central Region and National Nominations and Elections Committee
POW Pacific Theater Operations 1941 for 4 years in Japan and China
Returned home in 1944

To be part of this Great Event please contact Mike Martin (281) 802-2776

Added by Bob Fuldauer on December 12, 2011

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