Houston Jones is a San Francisco Bay Area based high-octane Americana quintet. Their mostly original repertoire ranges from bluegrass and folk to electric blues, rock and gospel.
Tickets: $10 advance, $12 door
Info: 831.335.2800
Don Quixote's: 6275 Hwy 9., Felton, CA
for map visit: http://www.houstonjones.com/schedule.htm
"One of my new and all-time favorite bands, anywhere.... You can hear bluegrass, delta blues, western, gypsy, swamp, spanish, rock, jazz, celtic, and God knows what other influences. They are surpassingly good and fun to watch live. This is the kind of human artistic endeavor that gets you an all-access pass in St. Peter's office. Truly accessible, intricate, and engaging music. If there were justice in this world, Bill Gates would be their roadie."
From Randy Kirchhof, Audio Engineer, North American
Folk Alliance Conference, Austin, February 2006
Official Website: http://houstonjones.com
Added by Houston_Jones on August 11, 2007