Ladies! Gentlemen! And the rest of us! Come one come all! Come See Drag King's and Gender Performance abounds! Feast your eyes at the amazing acro-yoga, Bring your $1's and tip the studly strongman, delight in rainbow clowns and maybe even see a magical unicorn or two! All this excitement and more when you attend Cirque Du So Gay: Part Deux... presented by your Houston Gendermyn! DO YOU DARE?!?!
Ages 18 and up welcome
Doors open @ 9PM, Show starts @ 10pm
Gendermyn, a Houston-based gender performance troupe, came together in 2006 to reconstruct traditional notions of gender and sexuality. Gendermyn unites artists and creates spaces to educate and empower a larger genderqueer community and its allies to advocate for social justice through gender performance.
Added by koomah on March 28, 2009