4501 Woodway Dr
Houston, Texas 77024

Have you ever seen a Red Wolf, a Texas Horned Lizard, a Houston Toad, or a White-nosed Coati? These animals are all native to Texas, yet seldom seen because they are endangered or threatened species. Games, educational crafts and outdoor activities will help us learn about the rarest of creatures in Texas and around the globe.

Naturalist teachers will be leading children in fun, hands-on activities as they explore the mammals of the Arboretum. Children are taught in classes by age (5 & 6 yrs., 7 & 8 yrs., and 9-12 yrs.) There are all day (9 a.m. to 3) and morning only options (9 a.m. to noon) available; please follow the link for registration information-http://houstonarboretum.org/springcamp.asp. Camp begins March 14 to March 18. For more information on classes like these, visit www.LTBaehr.com.

Added by LBPR on February 7, 2011

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