Regulated by a combination of both state and federal wage and hour laws, California employers face many traps for the unwary. This is particularly true during economic downturns when employers with tight budgets seek to cut back on their labor expenses.
Discover solutions to the most common challenges in wage and hour law and questions faced by employers in an economic downturn, and learn ways to manage risk within the confines of both federal and California law.
You'll leave the Webinar able to:
Identify rules for exempt and non-exempt employee furloughs, reductions in pay, and reductions in work hours.
Recognize the impact and risks associated with forced use of vacation and PTO, partial day leaves, unauthorized work and compensable time, use of volunteers and interns, and the timing of compensation, including deferred compensation.
Avoid common mistakes with contractors and independent consultants, and liability related to leased employees.
Learn about some recent changes to the law which may impact your cost control and risk management strategies.
Ensure your policies and practices comply with wage and hour law and help your company avoid expensive wage and hour suits, including the continuing wave of class actions.
About the Presenter
Marc A. Koonin is an attorney practicing in Sedgwick LLP's Labor and Employment Group in San Francisco. He regularly advises employers on wage and hour law, hiring, disciplining and terminating employees, implementing reductions in force, employee leave issues , accommodating disabled employees, conducting workplace investigations, workplace privacy issues, workplace safety issues, and related matters, and has extensive experience defending wage and hour claims and suits alleging wrongful termination, harassment, discrimination, retaliation, violations of leave laws, and similar employment-related claims.
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Added by FullCalendar on April 29, 2011