Hot Tub is a super hilarious variety show in New York City, awarded "Best New Variety Show in 2005" by TimeOut NY. Developed by Kurt Braunohler and Kristen Schaal, the show features comedy, music, and general weirdness. It's fun. You'll like it.
Guest for January 31st , 2007:
Michael Showalter wrote and directed the romantic comedy The Baxter (IFC Films). The Baxter premiered at The Tribeca Film Festival, was released nationwide in the summer of 2005 and is now available on DVD. He co-wrote and co-produced the cult film, Wet Hot American Summer (USA Films) which premiered at Sundance in 2001. Wet Hot American Summer is one of the films featured in Bravo's upcoming special The 100 Funniest Movies Of All-Time. Michael was a founding member of the MTV sketch troupe The State. He is also one-third of the sketch trio Stella which just finished its first season on Comedy Central and was named by Entertainment Weekly as one of the "Ten Best TV Shows Of 2005."
John Oliver is a British comedian with a love of satire, dexterous wordplay, and penguins. He has worked as a stand-up comedian around the UK entertaining and irritating audiences in equal measure for the last 7 years, and has regularly performed in the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. He is currently serving as a correspondent on The Daily Show With Jon Stewart. His previous credits include The Department with Chris Addison and Andy Zaltzman, Political Animal, Fighting Talk, and Mock the Week which all aired on BBC radio.
Jon Glaser is a writer and actor based out of New York City. He has written for and appeared on Late Night with Conan O'Brien and appeared in guest-starring roles on Wonder Showzen and Aqua Teen Hunger Force. He also had a role in the 2006 movie, School for Scoundrels and supplied voices for David Cross' new show, Freak Show.
January 31, 2007
353 W. 14th Street
8:00 PM -- $15.00
Tickets can be purchased online at or by calling 212.524.2500.
Official Website: