1750 Armstrong Ave
San Francisco, California 94124

Hot Glass, Cold Beer!
Saturday, November 1, 6:00-10:00pm
Glass Blowing Demos by Guido Gerlitz, Live Music!
Entry Fee: $25 comes with a handblown glass and all you can eat and drink.
In the Gallery: Second Sale! Come buy beautiful glass art at affordable prices.

Public Glass is doing it again; come sip a tasty beverage from a handblown tumbler, while artists turn molten glass into beautiful artwork before your eyes. Drink and snack till your hearts content and chill to the live music. Walk away with your own handblown glass at the end of the night. Don't miss an evening of excitement, fire, music, and libations!
Location: 1750 Armstrong
San Francisco, CA 94124
(415) 671-4916
All ages, wheel chair accessible

Public Glass is San Francisco’s center for education and Creation of glass arts. We are a nonprofit public glassblowing studio supporting Bay Area glass artists.

Official Website: http://publicglass.org

Added by events.moon on October 29, 2008