Oh yes, we're doing it again!! Let's get even MORE people than last time, and show some Gold Coast yuppies how Pandemic rolls.
For the new recruits, here's the plan:
At 3:00am on a Saturday night, we march into an unsuspecting crowded top 40 hip-hop club...and play industrial. We take over the dj booth. You take over the dance floor.
Identify yourself at the door upon arrival, and not only will you get in FREE, but you'll get TWO DRINK TICKETS, too. Yes, really.
Nikki Camcam
*Yes, the club is in on this, believe it or not. We won't get kicked out. Their patrons, however, are not in on it at all. We're essentially flashmobbing them.
21+ | NO COVER | 3am-5am
Added by DJ JenaMax on September 15, 2010