Fertile Hope (fertility resources for cancer patients) will host Hope Uncorked on Thursday 9/25/08 from 7-11pm at Ducca Restaurant in San Francisco.
Over 350 of the Bay Area's prominent physicians & distinguished professionals will enjoy exquisite wines paired with generous samplings of Chef Corbo's Northern Italian cuisine. Special features include cancer survivor & father, Evan Handler, from HBO's Sex & the City as special guest speaker; VIP lounge hosted by Ducca's chef & sommelier; live music by local artist, Dave Kim; open bar & silent auction. Top line Platinum Sponsors include: Fertility Physicians of Northern California & Sher Institutes for Reproductive Medicine. San Francisco Magazine is exclusive media sponsor.
Founded by cancer survivor & fertility preservation advocate Lindsay Nohr Beck, Fertile Hope focuses its activities on fertility awareness, education, financial assistance, research & support. Over 2.5 million cancer survivors in the U.S. are in their childbearing years & each year approximately 140,000 young cancer patients are newly diagnosed & put at risk for permanent infertility. Research indicates that among a variety of health & wellness issues, infertility is the most important to young survivors, however, less than 10% are ever informed of their risk by an oncology healthcare professional. Fertile Hope is the only organization of its kind, taking the wealth of knowledge from the fertility world & making it accessible & actionable for cancer patients - before, during & after cancer treatments.
To date, Fertile Hope has provided financial assistance for egg/embryo freezing & sperm banking to more than 625 men & women through the Sharing Hope program, resulting in a total cost savings of over $2 million. Moreover, $.80 of each dollar donated to Fertile Hope goes directly toward the programs & services that reach millions of patients nationwide.
To purchase tickets or learn more, visit: www.fertilehope.org or call (888) 994-HOPE.
7-8pm VIP Reception (includes access to the entire event) $175; 8-11pm Food & Wine Pairing Reception $95* (pre-sale price through 9/10/08; $120 thereafter).
Official Website: http://www.fertilehope.org/about-fertile-hope/events-detail.cfm?EID=302
Added by FullCalendar on August 28, 2008