Rally to express our dissatisfaction with government tax increases. It's time to stand up and voice our disgust at government taking our hard earned money and using it in ridiculous ways.
There are currently over 20 bills alive in the Hawaii Leg. to increase the already back-breaking burden on our families and businesses. Hawaii officials need to know the public is opposed any further bureaucratic enslavement.
Our permit is approved and the rotunda is reserved for us!
We will have some signs available but we urge you to bring your own with your message on it. T-shirts will be available 4/06/09.Keep checking here for additional details.
Confirmed Speakers:
Senator Sam Slom
Representative Kymberly Marcos Pine
Ken Schoolland, Economist/Author of "The Adventure of Jonathan Gullible, A Free Market Odyssey"
Jamie Story, President of GRIH
Joe Pandolfe, Owner of Joe Builder, Inc.
Li Zhao, High School teacher and former Congressional Candidate
Paul Smith, President of Hawaii Republican Assembly
Official Website: http://taxdayteaparty.com/teaparty/hawaii/
Added by Crystal Clear on April 7, 2009