You are invited!Home Loan Preservation, HLP, is a nationwide
organization that works with Attorneys, Government organizations and Lenders to
help home owners secure Loan Modification. We reach out to the home owners via
our network of affiliates. Attend this FREE seminar to learn A-Z how to build a
business for you while helping the community.By attending this seminar,
you will get tools to be a part of this ground floor opportunity with a noble
cause!Interested?Please RSVP below to attend the
seminar.Topic : Opportunities in Loan Modifications
WorkshopDate, Time: Wednesday, March 18th, 7:00PMCost:
FreeVenue: Hilton Waikiki Prince Kuhio Hotel, 2500 Kuhio Avenue Honolulu, Hawaii 96815
Please RSVP at
should you attend: 12.5 Million homeowners have mortgages that are about to
adjust in 2009 and they don't know they have options. Lenders are willing to
offer Loan Modifications, but homeowners don't know how to access or utilize the
available services banks are offering. You can help them stay in their homes by
joining hands with HLP. Come and learn about the opportunities
available.About us: Millions of families experienced the American Dream
by buying their own home in the last few years but 3,000 per day are now
experiencing the American Nightmare -Foreclosure. Our goal at Home Loan
Preservation is to preserve and maintain what families have built by keeping
them from foreclosure.Looking forward to see you at the
event,Best Regards,Nancy,Home Loan Preservation
Organized by Home Loan PreservationHome Loan Preservation, we work with Attorneys, Govt agencies and
Lenders to explore all Loan Modification options available to the Home
Owners. We reach out to needy families through our network of
Affiliates. As an affiliate of HLP, you can help your client stay in
their home while building a new business for yourself. Youll work
one-on-one with homeowners and lenders, helping everyone come out on
Ticket Info: Free just Register on the website, Free
Official Website: http://honolulu-myhlp-upcoming.eventbrite.com