1776 Far Hills Avenue
Dayton, Ohio 45419

Starting on February 2 and ending on April 14, Wright Library will continue its “Folktales Around the World” series for homeschoolers grades 1-6, held on consecutive Mondays from 1:00 to 2:30 p.m. Activities including folktales being read to the group, a craft, and a snack based on 11 different countries including China, Mongolia, Canada, Argentina, Iceland, India, Sweden, Kenya, Ireland, Morocco, and Mexico. Books related to that day’s topic will be available for check-out. Children do not need to live in Oakwood to participate, and parents are welcome to stay. All programs will meet in the Library Meeting Room.

For more information, please contact the Youth Services Department at 294-7171.

Wright Memorial Public Library is located at 1776 Far Hills Avenue in Oakwood.

Official Website: http://www.WrightLibrary.org

Added by cmannixwrightlibrary on January 16, 2009