Learn about safe and effective natural alternatives to the recently recalled cold and cough over the counter medicines for young children. Find out what to do to overcome ear infections without the use of antibiotics. Homeopathy has a long history of successfully treating acute respiratory viral infections. Homeopathy supports the body's natural curative mechanisms and can lead to a gentle and rapid resolution of cold, cough, and ear infections. Homeopathic remedies are safe, effective, and easy to use at home.
During this presentation you will:
--Explore the reasons of why children get sick with upper respiratory infections
--Learn about commons symptoms and danger sighs of cold, cough, and ear infections in children
--Discover what natural supplements will help your child to overcome cold, cough, and ear infections quicker
--Find out how to successfully use homeopathic remedies to significantly shorten the duration of cold, cough, and ear infections
Masha Rosen is a certified homeopath with a private practice in Burlingame.
Official Website: http://www.masharosen.com/WorkshopColdFluFosterCityJanuary21st.html
Added by FullCalendar on January 12, 2009