65-71 Scrutton Street
London, England EC2A 4PJ

Following hot on the heels of the first HomeCamp, so HomeCamp 2 happens. For the uninitiated, HomeCamp is the home hacking, automation and green technology community. Think smart meters, monitoring and graphing energy usage.

HomeCamp 2 is on Saturday 25th April 2009, 10am until 6pm at Bash Creations, 65-71 Scrutton Street, London, EC2A 4PJ. A map of the venue is here.

HomeCamp 2 aims to build on the success of the first event, with an OpenSim event running alongside for virtual participation and to demo the RealWorld and VirtualWorld modelling and automation that the community has been doing.

I'd like to say a big thank you to our sponsors, CurrentCost, Greenmonk, Pachube and ReactionGrid, as without them this event would not be happening.

So far have around 75 people signed up. If you can't make it, then you can tune in either on the live video ustream, or sign up on ReactionGrid and join us virtually on OpenSim.

More details and videos on the blog http://homecamp.org.uk

For the wiki, which includes signup and is the main portal to all the online activity: http://homecamp.pbwiki.com/

Live video stream on the day of the event and recordings from the first HomeCamp: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/homecamp

Added by yellowpark on April 23, 2009