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This year's Home Front festival: "We Grow When We Come Together" is hosted by the National Park Service, the City of Richmond, Richmond Chamber of Commerce and will be at The Rosie the Riveter/ WW II Home Front National Park. The Park celebrates those who made contributions and sacrifices to achieve victory during WW II.
Exhibits will highlight achievements of WWII victory gardeners and today's community gardeners.
Dr. Preston Maring will receive the 3rd Annual Home Front Award for his leadership to establish the "Friday Fresh Farmer's Market" at Kaiser Permanente, and his promotion of fresh produce in preventive medicine. Dr. Maring will receive speak at 2:30 pm at the stage of the Craneway Pavilion.
Other activities include a "Rosie's Corner," where home front workers can gather and ranger-led tours along the Bay Trail to the Rosie the Riveter Memorial.
Music will be on stage all day and food and beverages provided by Contra Costa College Culinary Academy and the Boiler House Restaurant.
The Sea Scout's S.S. Northland ship will tour the historic shipyard area with an NPS ranger on board.
There will be for fun a Children's Adventure Zone. Young people will learn about the home front and earn prizes at the NPS booth.
Visitors can also board the FDR's yacht, the USS Potomac, the SS Red Oak Victory and partake in period music and dancing on the wharf.
Historian Tom Debley will speak about the largest medical care program on the home front and historian Steve Gilford will speak about the significance of Red Oak, Iowa (for which the SS Red Oak Victory ship was named). Both talks are on the main deck of the SS Red Oak.
Other events include a USO Dance from 7-10 pm, Friday, October 2. Tickets and information: 510-234-3512.
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Admission is FREE to the festival; USO dance $20/person and $15/seniors, in advance; SS Red Oak Victory tour $5/$4 seniors; $30 Clarewood Singers Cabaret.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on September 25, 2009