It's a good practice to cleanse, bless and seal a dwelling or workplace when first moving in, or a longtime habitation or workplace after a divorce, burglary, tragedy, etc. Cleansing and blessing is also useful when there are troubling incidents with negative energies in a home. Perhaps these energies were left behind from previous inhabitants. Perhaps an individual in the household is going through mental, emotional or physical stress -- or a psychic opening -- and is unconsciously attracting hurtful or parasitic entities. Maybe the home is haunted or is a portal for energetic entities from other planes of existence. Whatever the cause of the uninvited visitations, if the "unemployed astral entities" or uninvited human energies are creating harm, they must be removed. In this class we will cover basic home cleansing, blessing and sealing techniques. We will explore different approaches to banishing unwanted energies, the importance of learning mental/emotional control to stop feeding parasites, the use of protective spirit guides/animal totems/archangels or Gods/Goddesses for protection and when it might be time to call in an expert. Jackie fields questions about this subject often enough at Isis that she thought it might be good to teach a class on the subject. Even if no haunting or invasion is taking place, it makes for a calmer and happier home to keep negativity and "things that go bump in the night" at a distance. Jackie is a High Priestess of Wicca and has been working in metaphysical areas for almost 30 years.
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Added by Isis Books and Gifts on September 6, 2010