Your invited to attend a FREE Home Buyer's Seminar !
Looking to buy in the next few months? This is one seminar you will not want to miss.
There's no obligation, just your willingness to learn.
Now is the time to buy - Rates are low and inventory is high!
Learn the complete home buying process from experts in the field.
Topics to include:
Explanation of Purchase Agreement
Once your offer is accepted, what happens next?
$8000 Tax Credit forhome purchase in 2009
Loan qualification process
New loan programs and guidelines
Detailed explanation of closing costs
Have your insurance questions answered
Find out what a home inspector does
Detailed explanation of closing process
........just to name a few topics.
Light dinner will be served.
This is a free seminar, don't delay, seats are limited. If you have to cancel once you have registered, please notify us immediately so we can provide your seat to a home buyer on our waiting list.
Greg Renfrow, First National Realty, Inc. Lauren Gilchrist, Shelter Insurance
Wendy Thompson, Bank Tennessee Brandon Dyles, Picture Perfect Home Inspections
Tammie Ledford, Lender's Title & Escrow
Organized by Greg Renfrow, Realtor, First National Realty, Inc.
Ticket Info: Home Buyers, Free
Official Website: http://memphishomebuyersseminar-upcoming.eventbrite.com