Saturday, August 9, 2008 ~ 11am to 3pm
*Celebrities, Fashion Shows & More *
*Clothing, Accessories & Product Giveaways*
*Free Eye Brow Treatments, Massages & More!! *
RSVP To: to reserve FREE Tickets or reply to this email.
Log on to to view Celebrity Guests, Runway Photos, Designers, etc. ENJOY!!
*SHOP The Hottest Cutting Edge Designers & Established Brands*
*ENVY Over 50 Male/Female Runway Models*
*EXCLUSIVE Fashion Shows Every 20 Minutes*
*ROCK To LA’s Hottest Performers In Dance & Music*
**Music by, Celebrity DJ Q (Superstar Pharell Williams & LA Clippers)**
~Hollywood Hot Spot ~ Ritual~
1743 N. Cahuenga Blvd., Hollywood, CA 90028
RSVP To: or Call (818) 358-9966
Official Website:
Added by cityblack on August 1, 2008