"Hollywood at Penn State" is the premiere film festival in the State College area in 2011 and a one of a kind cultural festival in our area. Sponsored by media giants NBC Universal and SONY Pictures Entertainment, the festival will run the course of two days and screen major Hollywood films alongside a collection of short films created by Penn State students. Two to three national release films will be screened weeks before their national release dates including both The Adjustment Bureau and The Green Hornet.
Thursday, February 24 at 8pm
The Adjustment Bureau (2011): The affair between a politician (Matt Damon) and a ballerina (Emily Blunt) is affected by mysterious forces keeping the lovers apart.
Rated: PG-13, 99 minutes
Friday, February 25 at 8pm
The Green Hornet (2011): Following the death of his father, Britt Reid, heir to his father's large company, teams up with his late dad's assistant Kato to become a masked crime fighting team.
Rated: PG-13, 119 minutes
3rd film TBD
Added by the state theatre on February 10, 2011