-HollandOpen Software Conference 2007, Amsterdam, June 11 and 12. Location: the beautiful Aula of the University of Amsterdam. For those who where there in 2005: the opening of the conference was held there. Call for papers/presentations will be available soon (but ideas are already welcome). Main theme's this year: the importance of open technology for research and education; the effect of political decisions "to go" for open source software (debate) and new trendsetting technologies.

Apart from that, we have 4 short keynotes coming from activities of HollandOpen during the year. These 4 projects were chosen out of 24 by an audience that thinks that these projects will see a major break through in 2007. Please send any ideas for papers, presentations or speakers to info@hollandopen.nl For more information or any question, pleas send a mail to info@hollandopen.nl Jo Lahaye HollandOpen Foundation.

Official Website: http://www.hollandopen.nl/agendaevent.jsp?nr=5424

Added by kaeru on March 1, 2007