Celebrate the Season with a Downtown Tree Lighting and Christmas in the Windows! On B Street in Downtown San Mateo in front of the Century Theater Plaza. Watch Santa light the tree! Refreshments, Dancing and Caroling!
The Firefighters of San Mateo will be accepting dontations of unwrapped toys to benefit the community. Come celebrate with us!
Enjoy a PANCAKE BREAKFAST with SANTA the next morning, Dec 5th from 9:00 - 11:00 am at 120 S. Ellsworth Ave. at Fire Station 21 in Downtown San Mateo. $5 Donation. $10 to purchase and decorate an ornament to be put on the Downtown tree.
100% of the money raised will go to the Firefighters Holiday Toy Program.
Official Website: http://www.dsma.org
Added by FullCalendar on November 23, 2009