In this 21st-century alternative to "The Nutcracker" and "The Velveteen Rabbit," a traditional holiday-season song becomes a terrific excuse to tap dance, Arabic beats provide the backdrop for a Lunar New Year sing-a-long, and the stage erupts with disco Hanukah music and high-octane Mexican fiddling. Soon after this world premiere, "Holiday House Party with Dan Zanes and Friends" heads to Broadway for a three-week run.
Renowned British theater designer Julian Crouch created the shadow-puppet installation for the production, which also has some traditional holiday trimmings. Joining Zanes will be Saskia Sunshine Lane, the San Francisco born and raised stand-up bass player who has appeared on the Discovery Channel, Food Network and CBS Evening News.
Also on the bill: fiddler/trumpeter Elena Moon Park, founder of the ground breaking neo-Hasidic ensemble Pharaoh's Daughter; Palestinian Arabic-jazz bazuq player Tareq Abboushi; rock drummer Colin Brooks; Mexican guitarist and vocalist Sonia de los Santos; tap dancer Derick K. Grant (with his tap-dancing kids Kaleo and Lulu); the Villa-Lobos Brothers, Mariachi sensations from Veracruz, Mexico, and others.
Dan Zanes began his professional career playing in the rock 'n' roll band the Del Fuegos. After his daughter was born, he found a new calling, recording family-friendly, down-home, 21st-century folk music that couldn't be found in stores. Six CD releases later, Zanes has collaborated with such stars as Sheryl Crow, Philip Glass, Lou Reed, Suzanne Vega and Deborah Harry. His 2007 release "Catch That Train!"(co-released with Starbucks/Hear Music) won a Grammy for Best Musical Album for Children. His latest disc, "Nueva York!" includes songs from Puerto Rico, Mexico, Colombia and the Dominican Republic.
Zanes is also author of two books, is in a concert video and DVD, "All Around the Kitchen!" and is in pre-production for a pilot with Playhouse Disney.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on November 6, 2008