450 Bryant Street
Palo Alto, California 94301

Holiday Gifts Go 'Green'

Free & open to the public. Ages 10 and up are welcome.

It's the time of the year for lighting candles, fireplaces, and shutting the windows. But...

What you should know about indoor air quality, especially in cold weather.

Make your living space healthier – for your family & your guests!

Know the hazards at home; they can affect your health!

Fireplaces, holiday candles, air fresheners, mold, poor indoor air quality, and how to improve it.

Can we save money, reduce stress, enjoy alternative and creative gift giving, AND support a healthier planet at the same time?
Make Holiday gifting easy, fun, and ‘green’!

1. Save trees: useful Greener ideas for gift wrapping & packaging

2. Eco-dinnerware – new compostable alternatives and more tips

3. Top Green gift-giving ideas

Presenter: Michal Lenchner, Avi Green Now!


Official Website: http://avigreennow.wordpress.com

Added by avigreennow on December 6, 2009