2810 N Parham Rd, Room 333 - 3rd Floor
Richmond, Virginia 23294

Sponsored by the Richmond Chapter of the Virginia Tech Alumni Association.All candidates must register before entering the job fair. If you register by 5:00pm on May 1, your rsum will be included in a CD that will be distributed to all participating companies. Submit your rsum prior to the event to careerfair@richmondhokies.org. Workshops will be offered on networking, rsums & cover letters, coaching, and benefits while in transition.

If you must cancel your registration, please e-mail careerfair@richmondhokies.orgat least 24 hours in advance.If your organization or company is interested in participating in the career fair contact us at

Organized by Richmond Chapter-Virginia Tech Alumni Association

Ticket Info:  Career Fair Registration, Free

Official Website: http://richmondhokiescareerfair-upcoming.eventbrite.com

Added by eventbrite-events on March 20, 2009

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