Russell Hotel, London WC1
HL7 UK 2005 is the premier Conference and Exhibition devoted to HL7 and focuses on sharing the knowledge being generated about interoperability in the NHS Connecting for Health programme.
HL7 is the lingua franca of the NHS Connecting for Health programme. Given this pivotal role it is now more important than ever to share experience and to learn from others.
HL7 UK2005 follows the 2003 and 2004 conferences the same successful formula. The main conference sessions are all held in plenary and are fast moving. They are supported by pre-conference master-classes and tutorials during the conference.
The location is the Hotel Russell, Russell Square, London on Wednesday 2nd to Thursday 3rd November 2005. Pre-conference Tutorials are on Tuesday 1st November.
Added by qex on October 11, 2005