2 Lower Albert Road (MTR Central Exit D2)
Central, Hong Kong Island

Welcome to our 3rd meeting!

The User Experience Network is growing with new contacts from peers in fields of: Interaction Design, User-Centred Design, User Experience, Usability, Information Architecture, and so forth.

We would like to invite you to another Face to Face meeting of Interaction Designers in Hong Kong and colleagues from related disciplines (under the User Experience umbrella). Meet other peers, discuss design issues, hear about others experience and share yours, and gain new knowledge.

Interaction Design (IxD) is the professional discipline, a branch of
user experience design, that defines the behavior of interactive
products and how products communicate their functionality to the
people who use them.

Pedro 'Adler' Jorge and Nicole Schadewitz

Confirm your participation by email: hong-kong@ixda.org

Official Website: http://hk.ixda.org

Added by adlerscout on January 23, 2007