313 1/2 Division
Northfield, Minnesota 55057

Long Time AIDS Activist, Gary Mazzonie, along with a representative from the Minnesota AIDS Project, will speak this Thursday at 7pm at the Center for Sustainable Living (333 1/2 Division Street, Above Jenkins Jewelers).

Gary Mazzone will soon complete his 25th AIDS Ride and has raised over $100,000 for AIDS prevention and services in his bicycling career thus far.

This year, Gary was honored to be one of the "poster people" for the Minnesota AIDS Walk which took place May 15th in Minneapolis. He has been on a speaking tour across Minnesota, speaking to schools, churches, businesses, and community groups since 2005 began.

"I still find it amazing to see an audience of sometimes 300 or more people crying tears of sadness and joy, then laughing with me about the crazy life experiences I share with them," states Gary.

Gary will speak and reflect on his own history, from his cycling and fundraising, to losing his partner, Loren, to AIDS, and his own experience as a person living with HIV.

This event is hosted by the Northfield People for Peace and Goodwill, and is free to the public.

Added by appleboywi on June 21, 2005

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