The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health--HITECH--Act was signed into law on February 17, 2009 to promote the adoption and meaningful use of health information technology. The Act addresses privacy and security concerns associated with electronic transmission of health information, in part, through several provisions that strengthen the civil and criminal enforcement of the HIPAA rules.
While many reform bill provisions won't take hold for years, the HITECH Act is rapidly reshaping the funding and implementation for electronic health record adoption in the U.S. -- potentially costing business millions in consulting and legal advice! Find out if your organization is mandated by HITECH legislation and how to ensure compliance.
About the Presenter
Michael Birkhead, MBA, CISSP, CHP, is senior technology and security veteran in Silicon Valley with more than twenty years experience working for startups and Fortune 100 companies. Mr. Birkhead's experience includes technology work for major network companies and tier 1 insurance carriers, including managing development efforts for a software portal with over 1 billion in revenue and more than three million members. Mr. Birkhead has been heavily involved in the recent HITECH legislation awareness and education program for insurance professionals, developed a comprehensive certification program based on the National Institute of Standards and Technology requirements, and speaks publicly about the importance of compliance and data protection techniques with industry professionals. Mr. Birkhead also consults with companies and individuals to deliver awareness training, compliance solutions and has developed one of the first Continuing Education programs on HITECH Compliance, approved by the Department of Insurance.
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Added by FullCalendar on October 15, 2010