Union City's Smith Street had its own Chinatown until the late 1920s.
Bronco Billy's Pizza is reported to have a ghost named "Sam."
Alameda County's first courthouse was in Alvarado.
The Odd Fellows Hall housed a theater.
These and other little-known facts and places are included in a historical walking tour of Union City's old Alvarado district.
Local historian Tim Swenson will lead participants down Smith Street, Union City Boulevard and Horner Street, stopping at historic buildings along the way and sharing their fascinating stories.
A tour booklet is also included in this free trip through local history.
The excursion is part of Union City's 50th Anniversary Celebration taking place throughout 2009.
Official Website: http://www.unioncity50.com/Events/historical.htm
Added by FullCalendar on June 2, 2009