395 Wellington Street
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0N4


"The Living Past"

How does one make historical fiction truly historical, truly believable and truly readable?

In this hour and a half workshop, Janet Lunn will outline the 'dos and don'ts' for writing good historical fiction, discuss any problems you may be having with your writing and offer a couple of writing exercises.

Born in Dallas, Texas, and raised in Vermont, New York, and New Jersey, JANET LUNN came to Canada in 1946 and became a citizen in 1963. She published her first book, Double Spell, in 1968, and since then she has written over a dozen books. Her published novels, picture books, and works of non-fiction include The Hollow Tree, Amos's Sweater, and The Story of Canada.

Ms. Lunn has received Canadas most prestigious awards for childrens literature, including the Governor Generals Award, the Mr. Christie Book Award, the Ruth Schwartz Award, and the Vicky Metcalf Award, among others.

She has worked as a childrens book editor, lectured widely on the subject of childrens literature, conducted writing workshops, and been active on the boards of the Canadian Childrens Book Centre and the Writers Union of Canada. Ms. Lunn is a recipient of the Order of Ontario and a member of the Order of Canada.

This is a free workshop. There is no admission fee. However, space is limited. You must register at least one week prior to the workshop to guarantee your placement.

To REGISTER or for more information please contact Kyle Greenwood, Program Manger, at 416-504-8222 x 243 or kgreenwood@writerstrust.com.

Visit the Writers' Workshop Blog at www.writerstrust.blogspot.com

Official Website: http://www.writerstrust.com

Added by kylegreenwood on October 2, 2006