50 Fremont Street
San Francisco, California 94105

Join HIP Investor’s rapidly growing (and consistently sold out) Investor Roundtable Series as we explore some of the most HIP public and private companies in the real estate industry. Through speakers and discussion, the Roundtable will address how companies simultaneously solve customer needs, benefit the environment, and make money for investors.

Commercial and residential buildings account for more than 60% of total electricity consumption in the U.S. -- and around 30% of related Greenhouse Gas emissions. Fortunately, "green" building is emerging fast as a critical strategy to reducing the energy, water, carbon emissions and associated costs of this high impact industry.

How is it possible to realize 40% reductions in energy, water and emissions for almost no extra construction cost (less than 2% more)? Which projects have the fastest payback, some energy efficiency and lighting solutions in less than one year? Who are the developers, real estate investment trusts (REITs), and investment funds leading the way in green construction and retrofitting? How are they innovating for human impact and profit? Come learn from our featured speakers:

* Ritesh Patel, Chief Investment Officer of Virtu Investments (www.VirtuInvestments.com ), a real estate investment, property management and consulting firm, is applying its ‘Green Living’ program and is implementing sustainability standards across its residential and commercial properties.
* Ricardo Bayon, Partner and Co-Founder of EKO Asset Management Partners (www.ekoamp.com ), a specialized investment firm focused on discovering and monetizing unrealized or unrecognized environmental assets.
* Typically, we will also have a few Roundtable attendees ”pop up” for a two-minute overview of their innovations.

Our Agenda
6:00pm Network with HIP Investors - from hedge fund managers to entrepreneurs
6:30pm Learn the latest HIP perspective on HIP travel and hear from industry leaders
7:00pm Open discussion on green real estate options - for you, your company AND your portfolio
7:45pm Meet fellow HIP Investors

For tickets: http://augustroundtable.eventbrite.com

For more information email Dana Roytenberg at Dana@HIPInvestor.com

Official Website: http://augustroundtable.eventbrite.com

Added by HIPInvestor on July 29, 2008