2537 Broadway
New York, New York 10025

13 musical journeys, one irrepressible harpist, an intimate and electrifying evening of theatrical storytelling, humor, songs and electric harp with 2006 Grammy Nominee and star of her own TV Special on PBS, Deborah Henson-Conant.

"Hip Harp in Concert!" is a one night only performance that blurs the line between musical and theatrical event. Henson-Conant weaves personal and allegorical stories into a thread of songs that she accompanies with her custom-built, strap-on electric harp. With multi-colored braids flying and cowboy boots tapping, she creates worlds from music - taking the audience from their seats and on a journey through her imagination.

The Wall Street Journal raves that Deborah Henson-Conant is "a phenomenal harpist-performer" and the New York Times calls her "a combination of Leonard Bernstein, Steven Tyler and Xena the Warrior Princess." This is a show that should not be missed!

WHEN: Saturday, June 9 @ 8:00 PM

WHERE: Peter Norton Symphony Space (Leonard Nimoy Thalia), 2537 Broadway at 95th St., NYC
BY SUBWAY: Get off at 96th St. Station and walk one block on Broadway

Admission: $32
Members: $26
Students/Seniors/Groups of 10 or more: $24
12 & under: $18
Rush - 2 hrs before curtain: $15

Purchase tickets through the Symphony Space website (http://www.SymphonySpace.org)
- or -
by calling the box office at: 212.864.5400

Official Website: http://www.hipharp.com

Added by joymonteverdi on June 4, 2007