In 2004, Voom, a network of television channels aired in the 1080i format, initiated a residency program, giving artists access to the full breadth of HD technology. The variety of outcomes is stupendous, with fictive fantasies, quirky essays, performative portraits, and abstract image extravaganzas all sharing a common characteristic, a pixel count that would have seemed absurd just a few years ago.
General Admission $9.50
From Ericka Beckmann's delightful displacements of the stands in a stadium, The Tension Building, to Bradley Eros's fantastical swamp of etherized color and sound, Aerodynamics of the Black Sun; from Alix Pearlstein's crisp study of fashionable hierarchies in Distance, to Leslie Thornton's Sahara Mojave, a sly critique that equates Hollywood with the continuing colonial project, we witness the pictorial possibilities generated by the handheld as well as the precisely honed.
Official Website:
Added by karimamara on October 14, 2007