After its critically hailed sketch show 'The Abbey Road Project' Half Naked Productions presents its newest comedy, a warped take on high school theatre and those crazy kids who found meaning in it. Following the bent, intertwining, stories of four of the most dedicated high school performers, 'High School Production 4' is a refreshing character study of the most absurd nature. This rag-tag group of youngsters, in a bid to save their school from certain bankruptcy, team up with stage director Baron Hanz Von Albernerbar, a man with a questionable past. In an original vision of heroic warriors, brutal battles, and man on bear love the focus of their masterpiece is on the single most important and influential man ever to come out of Chicago. Will this two hundred thousand dollar production pull in enough ticket sales to save the general education of Marian High School? Or will the pressure of putting on such a complex masterpiece overcome these youngsters and crush their dreams of stardom before they are legally allowed to smoke cigarettes? Experience this once-in-a-lifetime hour long sketch comedy show that is sure to make you rethink the importance of the city of Chicago and its place in the global community.
Added by Upcoming Robot on February 22, 2009