Let's all go back to high school. RRT is proud to open their 30th season with the first production of Disney's High School Musical in St. Joseph. This show has captured the entire country and is the #1 musical in America. Here the Wildcats of East High are back from winter break. The jocks, brainiacs, thespians, and skater dudes find their cliques, recount their vacations and look forward to the new year. But the message is clear by the end of this life affirming musical: We're All in This Together...and what a great message for the young and young– at– heart. Come out and celebrate youth, art and our 30th year as we Bop to the Top and kick off our new season with a Disney classic!
Official Website: http://www.rrtstjoe.org
Added by rrtevents on July 28, 2009