HPCS (High Performance Computing Symposium) is Canada’s foremost supercomputing conference – a multidisciplinary conference where computational researchers from all disciplines in industry and academia, computer scientists, and vendors exchange new tools, techniques and interesting results in and for high performance computational research. The HPCS2010 conference is the 24th annual, and will take place on June 5-9, with an educational session consisting of workshops on GPGPU programming, OpenMP, MPI, and more on the two days preceding the symposium.
The theme for this year’s conference is `Data Intensive Computing’. Traditional HPC generates amounts of data that only increase with the capability of the computational platforms, and cutting-edge simulation can require completely new techniques for data storage, access, analysis, and visualization.
But new computational problems are equally or more data intensive. As data-capturing capabilities in experimental sciences exponentiate, world-class experimental facilities form DNA sequencing to astronomical surveys are generating enormous floods of data; new techniques for rapid analysis, mining, and deciding what to archive are needed. In other disciplines, the decreasing cost of digital storage and digitization of media make possible data analysis and mining on unprecedented scales.
We have sessions planned on digital humanities, life sciences and medicine, physical sciences, climate science, and a panel on `towards exascale computing'.
Official Website: http://www.hpcs2010.org
Added by ljdursi on March 31, 2010