Thursday, September 30 @ 7:00 p.m.
A fact-finding report by Jan Tussing
Goethe-Institut Los Angeles
5750 Wilshire Blve. Suite 100
Los Angeles
Free of Charge
RSVP @ 323.525.3388 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 323.525.3388 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Alaska has become an indicator on where we stand when it comes to climate change. The consequences of the warming of the earth can be best studied in this most northern part of the U.S.
Although science is unambigious about the fact, that climate change is a reality, most media don’t treat the subject with the urgency, it deserves.
Two German journalists, based in Southern California have undertaken a fact-finding mission for ARD radio. Christine Schacht and Jan Tussing talked to climatologists, biologists, fishermen and regular Alaskans.
Join us at the Goethe-Institut Los Angeles to get a first-hand report of the situation.
Reception to follow!
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Added by Goethe-Institut on September 28, 2010