333 Seventh Avenue, 16th FL, between 28th & 29th Street
NY, New York

HIAS Young Leaders 'Immigration 101' series continues:

DREAM for Immigrant Children

Understanding the Challenges Faced by Undocumented Youth in America

Monday, October 30th, 7pm

Join us for a panel and discussion on educational and other issues facing Immigrant Children

in the U.S. We will be focusing the state of undocumented youth in America, current legislation and on the DREAM Act; Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors.


Christa Stewart, Director of Legal Services, The Door Youth Development

Stephanie Faith Green, Outreach & Program Coordinator, Hebrew Immigrant Aid Scoety

Walter Perez, Coordinator - NYS Youth Leadership Council, NY Immigration Coalition

The series, 'Immigration 101', is a practical toolbox for understanding the legal and political context of today’s pressing immigration issues. Join HIAS Young Leaders and panelists for a stimulating discussion about this important legislation.

Wine and cheese will be served. This event is free. RSVP to adi.beinhert@hias.org

Or for more information call 212.613.1303


HIAS, 333 Seventh Avenue, 16th FL, between 28th & 29th Street

Please visit www.hias.org for more information about the organization.

The Young Leaders of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) is a dedicated community of young professionals and graduate students who have come together to serve, educate, advocate, and fundraise in support of HIAS' mission of rescue, resettlement and reunion of Jewish and other migrants.

Official Website: http://www.hias.org

Added by inkognitp on October 16, 2006

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