84-86 Great Eastern St
London, England EC2A 3JL


The exhibition is inspired by the Grelling’s paradox, also known as the Heterological Paradox. According to this semantic paradox, words that describe exactly what they are – such as ‘short’ - are named autological. Words that don’t – such as ‘long’ - are referred to as heterological. The paradox arises then, when one considers whether the word heterological is indeed autological or not.

Heterological Boundaries comprises a series of diptyches in which both artists’ photos are juxtaposed, with the aim of representing Grelling’s paradox in pictures. The unlikely union of the two artists’ very different photographic style forms a series of new images and unleashes new meanings for viewers to discover.

“We have always been attracted to each other’s photography and the different images we use to convey similar meanings, Grelling goes to the very heart of what we are trying to portray and challenges our sense of meaning.” Cristina Cocullo

“We decided on the concept of the exhibition early on as we both believe that photography is the best conduit for conveying meaning, these double images sit together without explanation as we want to let people come to their own conclusions about what label belongs to each image. After all, while all the photos are heterological images, a closer look might break through boundaries to reveal their autological meanings.” Emanuela Franchini

Added by cristina cocullo photography on October 7, 2009