address available upon RSVP
El Cerrito, California 94530

Think your Jewish beliefs might be heretical? Throughout history, mainstream Judaism has shunned, and later embraced, some of the most brilliant and creative Jewish thinkers.

Join us Friday, June 27, to learn from their ideas, and perhaps share some of your own.

We will enjoy a delicious, no-experience-necessary Shabbat dinner, eat, laugh, and learn. All are welcome.

Time: 6:15 PM
Place: Jewish Gateways' cozy home near El Cerrito Plaza and BART station
Childcare: available by reservation
After gathering at 6:15, we'll continue with:

6:30 - Candle lighting and dinner
7:30 - Rabbi Bridget Wynne will lead a lively interactive teaching on Jewish heretics, their stereotype-shattering ideas, and how we can learn from their experiences and teachings
8:15 - Dessert and schmoozing (time to hang out and chat)
Space is limited, so RSVP is required.

Please contact Rabbi Bridget Wynne at Jewish Gateways, (510) 559-8140, or, for more information, and to make a reservation and get directions and your food assignment. If your schedule doesn't allow you to bring a dish to share, we offer you the option of contributing $7 toward the dinner.
510-559-8140 •

Added by Bridget Wynne on June 5, 2008