Interested in completing some home projects this fall before Thanksgiving? Why not join me for some of the basics to home repair? Women are more than capable to complete most repairs in their home with a little know how.
If you're not afraid of a little handy work and would like to save a few bucks....join me for three weeks for the FREE preview calls to the "Her' Home Series". We will cover the top three requests that commonly occur in the home. So bring a pen and paper along with your questions and we'll get you ready to tackle those minor repairs.
Be sure to confirm your attendance to receive the phone number and pin code for this event. Can't meet during this time? There will be a replay option for those who RSVP to this event. Also, let me know if there are any specific repairs you need to complete so that i may address your concerns.
Hope to meet you on the call!
The following cost-saving topics will be discussed:
11/5/11 - Tools/Safety for Carpentry, Insulation
11/12/11 - Tools/Safety for Plumbing, Food Disposers
11/19/11 - Tools/Safety for Electrical, Thermostats
*** Additional information will be provided to assist in making this event more visual for you. ***
Official Website:
Added by MountainMovingMomma on November 2, 2011