Enjoy the 400th anniversary of one of America’s oldest settlements….through a layer of mud. Just like the Daubers that built the mud houses in the Citie of Henricus, you will have a chance to relive your childhood with plenty of messy mud on hand at the Henricus Dauber Dash. The 5-mile course starts in the Citie and goes around the trail loop at Dutch Gap, but this isn’t your typical trail run. Think much, much messier. We guarantee you will get wet and dirty as you climb, crawl and weave through multiple obstacles along the way. And just when you think you can’t get any dirtier, you’ll come face-to-face with the final mud pit at the finish overlooking the scenic James River. The Henricus Dauber Dash, the best of nature, history and fun…all rolled in mud.
Official Website: http://www.sportsbackers.org/events/dauber_dash.htm
Added by Ross Catrow on August 1, 2011