1601 Lakeshore Boulevard West
Toronto, Ontario

The New Pollution Launches Print Issue

Official Magazine Launch Party @ Palais Royale
Saturday September 16th, music 2-11pm; dance party 11pm-2am

Started as a monthly online music magazine in February 2006,
The New Pollution New Music Review is launching its first print issue at an all-day indie-music extravaganza.

Teaming up with Toronto band Henri Faberge & The Adorables (who will be concurrently releasing their new CD the same day), the event will be a spectacular day of music and fun on Saturday September 16th, starting at 2pm. Artists playing include Gentlemen Reg, The Bicycles, The Laura Barrett Minuet, Ultra Magnus, Skeleton, The Barmitzvah Brothers, The Basement Arms, The Rural Alberta Advantage, Castlemusic, Township Expansion, Woodhands, as well as Spitfires and Mayflowers.

Tickets are $10 and on sale at Rotate This, Soundscapes, and The Embassy or by e-mailing launch@thenewpollution.net

About The New Pollution

The New Pollution produces in-depth stories on artists and scenes across Canada and beyond. Its photography-intensive site design has won acclaim from readers far and wide, and the diverse lineup of subjects for month has consistently grown readership from month to month. In addition to high-quality writing, the magazine also features a complementary podcast, with content from featured bands as well as live, exclusive or hard-to-get tracks from the best indie bands from around the world. www.thenewpollution.net

The print version takes a vastly different, but still innovative direction. The magazine’s cover has been designed and hand-printed using a traditional letterpress design by Trip Print Press (www.tripprintpress.ca), giving it an original look and feel. The ad-free issue features 12 stories on bands including Jon-Rae Fletcher, Cadence Weapon, Malajube, The Concretes, Sylvie, and many others.

Official Website: http://thenewpollution.net

Added by MGG on September 9, 2006

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