i would like to helpfelions. and sex offenders have a place that they could live and be safe. i know you all do not like sex offenders but just think about it for one moment. how would you all feel if it was your loved one that is being convected of a sex crime. would'ent it be nice to no that all sex offenders live in one spot insted of all over and being homeless. they will have rules that they will follow. i am trying to get a grant to do this. but i do not no where to go to get this grant. any help will do. if you want to help please email me at hazeleyes19703638@msn.com. and it would be nice to know they will not be in the city. it would be country liveing. oh ya i need a place to have this event
Official Website: http://my.barackobama.com/page/event/detail/gs5spk
Added by MyBO on October 9, 2008