790 North Gravenstein Hwy
Sonoma County, California 95472

The campaign to defeat our Governor?s initiatives is into its final days. It remains a toss up on some of the initiatives. To rid ourselves of our most rightwing Governor in a generation, we must defeat all of his proposals.

We now have heard from the local Voter Registrar's offices they expect a mid-40's voter turnout in Marin and Sonoma. We can not win if we don't bump these numbers up by a few points throughout the Bay Area. This is possible with a dynamic GOTV program.

The Alliance for a Better California has targeted 150 precincts in Marin and Sonoma Counties. We have a great plan, good resources and now we need every body.

We will have six meet-ups in Sonoma and Marin starting next week to go over our GOTV plan. We need to train 200 GOTV volunteers at these meetings.

Who should come? Anyone who wants to defeat Arnold and his far right corporate backers.
Please attend the meeting in the area they will be doing their GOTV activities!

So we can make sure there is enought food on hand for the meeting, please RSVP through GrassrootsWest.org.

Added by wellstone on October 23, 2005

Interested 1