Level 1, 2 Cavill Ave
gold coast, Queensland 4217

ESCAPE BAR & CLUB is so excited to be a part of "HELLO SAILOR CRUISE 2012"
After the huge success last year this year is sure to be even bigger!
Boarding at Marina Mirage at 12.30pm, we cruise to a lush tropical island where beach front spa's, cocktails, eye candy waiters, sexy dancers and performers await you! In addition to the supremely talented, handsome, suave & sophisticated DJ's who will be artfully mixing the best of house music, the gorgeous and ultra glamorous Drag Acts will be there providing you with glitz and glittering entertainment!!
It's a true day of fun and excitement not to be missed, then we leave the island at 7:30pm and keep the Party going at Escape Bar & Club After Party where you will receive FREE Entry with your wristband issued on the return trip..
Tickets available from Escape Bar & Club or contact Steve or Matt on
0438 356 150 and are only $69.00.

Added by tanya_stringer on November 6, 2012

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