Heather Normandale's music is an exploration of the space between the earthy, aqueous nature of our physicality with the intangible aspirations of our dreams and subconscious. The body's experience is a beautiful merging of these ideas, as is the intention of the music expressed. The newest unreleased album, Trembling Water, reflects on our relationship with water, dedicated to the water within us and surrounding us in the natural world, with intentions to bring awareness to our responsibility for preservin
g and respecting it. https://www.facebook.com/HeatherNormandale/app_2405167945
Lisa Mandelstein:
From world beat infused love spells to channeled ghosts of depression era buskers, Lisa Mandelstein’s music travels across stylistic maps from bluesy piano stomps to intricate finger-styled guitar pieces. Intimate, personal, politically and socially aware, her music has a peeled back honesty that just might reveal and heal. http://www.lisamandelstein.com/
Lea Grant’s piano-driven compositions are characterized by jazz-influenced chord progressions, three part vocal harmony, fantastically synesthetic lyrics, and above all, a gorgeous, crystal pure voice. http://www.leagrant.com/
tickets: $5-15 sliding scale
Added by surasoondari on October 7, 2012